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Download data: Tree structure

The tree structure is the most versatile format and contains all available data. It's a hierarchical key/value format, where each value can be a key/value map itself.

Compatible file types

Tree structure data is currently only available in the .json file type. Read more about json and how to import it.


If the file covers multiple participations (i.e. participant "sessions"), the root of the structure is a key/value map of participant nicknames and their data.

If the file covers a whole experiment, each participation will be an array, in the order in which the participant completed the tasks: * token The token that the participant used to access the experiment, if tokens were used. * tasks a key/value map with keys corresponding to the task names in the experiment.

The participation object for a task then has a number of fields, depending on the task type. These are the most important fields: ##### All Tasks * screen A key/value map with properties of the participant's browser and screen. * stimuli An array with key/value maps for each of the stimuli for this task. ##### Multiple Arrangement * rdm An array containing the upper triangular vector of pairwise dissimilarities. * next_trial_stimuli An array with the IDs of the stimuli that would be presented to the participant next. * trialsAn array with a key/value map for each of the trials that the participant finished: + start Timestamp or epoch time of the start of the trial, in seconds since 1/1/1970. + end Timestamp epoch time of the end of the trial, in seconds since 1/1/1970. + positions An array with a key/value map for each of the stimuli: - xX coordinate of the stimulus. - yY coordinate of the stimulus. - id The ID of the stimulus, corresponding to the ID field in the stimulus list. ##### Drag-rate * positions An array with a key/value map for each of the stimuli: + x Where the stimulus was placed on the x (confidence) scale: a value between 0 (left) and 1 (right). + y Where the stimulus was placed on the y (property) scale: a value between 0 (bottom) and 1 (top). + id The (file) name of the stimulus. ##### Category Induction * positions An array with a key/value map for each of the stimuli: + category The name of the circle in which this stimulus was placed. ##### Dynamic Form * form_data A key/value map with the fields in the form. Contents are dependent on the fields chosen as parameters for this task.


The tree structure displayed in an IPython terminal. This experiment has two participants (..b63a35, ..b63a38) and two dragrate tasks (task1, task2).

    In [11]: pprint.pprint(data)
    {'598cfee1c5bc232300b63a35': {
        'token': 'X8K0S2',
        'tasks': {
                'task1': {
                   'positions': [{'id': 'natural_inanimate_20190000.png',
                                  'x': 0.12326985540315721,
                                  'y': 0.8754272579076752},
                                 {'id': 'nonhuman_face_67390000.png',
                                  'x': 0.10482832246726499,
                                  'y': 0.4859726132997698},
                   'screenHeight': 1080,
                   'screenWidth': 1920,
                   'viewportHeight': 857.7000122070312,
                   'viewportWidth': 1863},
                'task2': {
                   'positions': [{'id': 'nonhuman_bodypart_41110000.png',
                                  'x': 0.1659706510265057,
                                  'y': 0.08759631740505713},
                                 {'id': 'natural_inanimate_20190000.png',
                                  'x': 0.14952042696572077,
                                  'y': 0.8686817323045877},
                   'screenHeight': 1080,
                   'screenWidth': 1920,
                   'viewportHeight': 857.7000122070312,
                   'viewportWidth': 1863}},
     '598cff09c5bc232300b63a38': {
        'token': 'Y7C4B2',
        'tasks': {
            'task1': {
                   'positions': [{'id': 'human_face_66470000.png',
                                  'x': 0.08242786820648984,
                                  'y': 0.9452576845816635},
                                 {'id': 'natural_inanimate_20190000.png',
                                  'x': 0.8167240092884535,
                                  'y': 0.9319304630922399},
    # etc