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How much data, in what structure, and which file format?

You can find different download options for your experiment. Which download you should choose depends on three things:

Which data do you need? All participants for your experiment? Only the results for one task? One participant? To find the file containing only the data you need, simply go to the respective page in your experiment, and look for the downloads icon (). For example, to get the data for the first participant to complete a task, first find the task in your list of tasks, and open its configuration page. Then go to the participants page for that task, and navigate to the participant you're interested in.

How should the data be structured?

In what filetype should the data be stored? This depends on which

application or programming language you will use to open the file.

  • To view the data in a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, select csv (comma separated values).
  • The .mat format stores data for for Matlab.
  • The more general json (javascript object notation) format can be read by most programming languages.
  • Events can be downloaded in the log format which is a simple tab-delimited text file.

The tables below show which combinations of these choices are currently supported. If you need something else, please get in touch.

Downloads by data range and structure

Tree Events Table Annotations Metadata 1D 2D 3D
whole experiment / all participations - - an - - dr
whole experiment / one participation - - an - - - -
one task / all participations - df an - ma dr -
one task / participation dr an - ma, dr - -
  • df: dynamic form
  • dr: drag-rate
  • df: multiple arrangement
  • ci: category induction
  • an: attentional blink, discriminability, timed keyboard response, label, stimulus form, triplet choice

Downloads by structure and file type

Tree Events Table Metadata Matrix
json - - -
csv - - -
mat - - - -
log - - - -